Table of Contents

Import Contacts


channelADMIN provides streamlined tools create contacts and accounts from spreadsheet imports. You can start with the provided template, or upload your own file and use the field mapper to get your fields to line up with the channelADMIN standard fields.

Import Modes



Contact import is a snap in channelADMIN:

  1. Grab an export (in XLS format) from your address book or CRM, or copy and paste them into the template.
  2. Upload your file.
  3. We'll analyze your file and figure out how your data is laid out.
  4. You confirm our or tweak the mappings we worked out.
  5. We preview what will happen. You'll see exactly what accounts, contacts, and locations will be created. If there's problems in the data, we'll let you fix them without needing to upload again.
  6. …and you're done!