Shows what happened to the leads that have come into the system.
Shows the tally/percentage of leads by lead feedback. Feedback is done by the partner who serviced the lead. As part of the process, the partner can say if the lead became a sale.
Shows the feedback tally/percentage by partner breakout.
Shows the feedback tally by campaign. You can also see CPL (Cost Per Lead) calculations. This is based off of the budgeted cost of the campaign divided by the total number of leads. This value is then applied to the lead figures.
For all of the Quick Stats types, you may access the lead list that makes up that figure by clicking on it. For example, if you wanted to see the actual leads that Partner X marked as good, you would access the 'By Partner' report, and click on the number of 'Good Leads' on that partner's line. At the bottom of the report, the actual leads will be displayed.