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Bulk Lead Import

Auto Routing Preview Screen

After you have mapped the columns from your file and have clicked Preview, the application provides a visual on how the leads will be routed. This routing is based upon the default routing method that was chosen by the Administrator of the application.

At the routing preview screen, you have the ability to select a new routing method via the Action dropdown at the top of the screen. The selected routing method would be applied to all leads of this import.

Should you wish to change the routing method of a single lead, you would use the Override function.

If you wish to edit the data of a single lead, you would use the Tweak function.

At the Preview step - should you move away from this screen - the incoming leads will be held as a batch file for future routing. To get back to these leads, you would access the Leads List > Bulk Import, then click on the appropriate batch file.


  • My spreadsheet had 10 columns, yet 6 only show on the import screen? In the import interface, the system only shows 6 columns at a time. You can use the left and right buttons to access the addition columns.
  • How will the custom fields show in a lead record? Custom fields would show in the Notes section.
  • What if I don’t map every field? That data would not be included in the record.
  • Are any of the fields required in the bulk import? Technically no, however, you should be sure to include data that makes the lead useful. Things such as lead name, contact information, and interest come to mind.
help/leads/bulk_lead_import.txt · Last modified: 2009/08/27 14:42 by anthony

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